Chapitres dans des ouvrages
Exploring adolescent development skills through Internet usage: a study of French 11-15 year olds
Getting Lost Into the Wild: Understanding Consumers’ Movie Enjoyment Through a Narrative Transportation Approach
Building Consumption Skills through Teenage Empowerment: A Powerful and Invisible Determinant of Customer Relationships CRM
The Impact of Technology Development on Youth Consumption Culture: An Empirical Investigation of French Teenage’ Use of Mobile Phone Device
Crossed Glances on the Perception of Consumer Competencies within the Energy Sector: The Case of a French Energy Supplier
How competent are consumers ? The case of the energy sector in France
An overview of postmodern research in the consumer behaviour field: towards the “new consumer” paradigm
Advancing A Participatory Approach For Youth Risk Behavior: Foundations, Distinctions, And Research Directions
Youth and risky consumption : Moving toward a transformative approach
Consumer ethnicity three decades after : a TCR agenda
Rethinking religion in the context of ethnicity and wellbeing
Towards 2.0 systems thinking: a cross-cultural study of sustainable tourism ads